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Joan Zivic

Shirley Conrad
Committee Chairs
Refreshments - Pam Mason
Membership - Richard Simpson
Workshops - Jai Wangsai, Merrie Wicks
Exhibits - Linda Libby
Designer - Suzanne Maxwell
Social - Bob Torgerson, Mary Ellen Wolf
Sunshine - BJ McLean
Webmaster - Suzanne Maxwell,
Linda Libby,
Publicity - Mariposa Marangia
Library - Sharon Rose Chinn
Facebook Facilitator - Suzanne Maxwell
Spotlight - Beth Narva
Fall Trip - Sue Williams
Summer Plein Air - Mary Ellen Wolf, Toni Cappuccio
PBG/Littleton Cafe Exhibits - Dorothy Fitzgerald, Bob Torgerson
President-Joan Zivic
Vice President-Shirley Conrad
Secretary-Patti Brougham
Treasurer-Linda Lippert

Linda Lippert
Business Meeting Dates
First Wednesday of each month (September-May) the Guild meets at 10 a.m. at
First Presbyterian Church,
(in Ficklin Hall)
1609 West Littleton Blvd.
Littleton, CO 80120
Membership Luncheons
December and June meetings will be our social luncheons as announced

Patti Brougham
About Paint Box Guild
The 40 active member, not for profit, Littleton, Colorado based guild was established in 1973 by Lucille Grisham and encourages beginning artists, as well as advanced, being a forum for exchanges of ideas, encouragement and venues for exhibition.
The goals of the Paint Box Guild are to provide artistic support and camaraderie while encouraging the members to pursue individual accomplishments.
We enjoy painting together at the First Presbyterian Church in Ficklin Hall on Wednesdays the 2nd, 4th, and 5th (if applicable) weeks of the month. The first Wednesday is our business meeting, and the third Wednesday is a scheduled workshop.