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UPDATE: August 2024
Final Deposit time is approaching for our Fall PBG Trip to Glen Eyrie, Colorado Springs, September 23-26,2024.
The final deposit is $238.00. For those that I reserved for the Wednesday Tea at the Castle, add $50 (tax and gratuity included) to your final deposit which comes to $288.00.
Glen Eryie prefers that we pay by a debit card for the entire group since this is a contract. Therefore, we need the money in the bank by August 23rd which is one month out from our check-in date. In addition…..remember the cancellation policy. Before August 23rd you will be charged $25 per room night which equals $75 ($37.50 p/p). Room night means you cancel the entire room. The 30 days immediately before September 23rd there is no return of deposits. Please make your check out to Paint Box Guild (NOT PBG) and mail the check to: Linda Lippert, 8566 E. Kettle Ave., Centennial, CO 80112
Our final Fall Trip meeting will take place after our September 4th PBG business meeting. We expect everyone going to Glen Eyrie to please attend for final information and a few more handouts. We need be gather driving information as Glen Eyrie is a gated complex and they need information for your entrance. Check-in is at 4:00 pm, but you can come earlier to “scout” the area, paint, take photographs or enjoy their coffee shop.
WHEW!! Any questions…..text, call or email Beth at, 303.895.9256.
Monique at , 303.770.4686.
People who signed up for the Tea are: Beth N., Monique, Roseann, Suzanne, B.J., Beth C., Joan. Mary Ellen, Donna, Shirley, Shianne, Linda Lippert, Pam.
Hello again PBG Fall Trip Group…..We have decided NOT to collect your final deposit of $238 per person at the May meeting. Since the deposit is not due until August 23rd we ask that you mail your check to Linda Lippert a week before that final date in August. Make your check payable to Paint Box Guild.
Linda’s address is: 8566 E. Kettle Av. Centennial, CO 80112
This is the first time we have booked with a contract, so at times it can be confusing….but we want to accomplish what is best for the group.
Thank you and see you ALL Wednesday after our PBG business meeting. Our gathering should not take long…just more informative and handouts and questions answered.
Beth & Monique
After receiving the Glen Eyrie contract, I (Beth) realized that I did not add Lodging tax. I only had sales tax. This will increase your final deposit by $7 which will be $238 per person instead of $231. The final deposit is due August 23rd.
In addition, the cancellation fee is different within the last 30 days.
If you cancel from March 20th (when contract is signed and due) to August 23 it is the fee we discussed. $25 per room night which equals $75 ($37.50) p/p) for 3 nights. Room night meaning you cancel the entire room.
The 30 days immediately before September 23 there is no return of deposits. I believe it is necessary that you understand this cancellation policy which is common with resort group bookings. I will be signing the contract next week and want to be sure everyone is “on board” to go forth with the contract of 10 reserved rooms for 3 nights.
Monique and I will begin a waiting list of people who are interested should we have a cancellation, but PLEASE keep track of the cancellation dates.
At our May 1st business meeting we will meet with the Fall Trip group after the meeting to give you more information including Colorado Springs visitor books listing restaurants and tourist attractions. We will also review our final deposit, room listing with roommates, restaurant suggestions near Glen Eyrie, reservations for high tea at the castle for those interested and answer questions or concerns.
A big thank you to Linda Lippert for handling our deposits and payments to Glen Eyrie with a super organized spreadsheet.
Please email, text or call me with any concerns., 303.895.9256 Monique is having knee replacement surgery March 15 and will need lots of rest. She has been a wonderful support helping to put this trip together…Thanks, Monique!
Anxious to have her all recovered soon. Roseann Gomez has offered to help with other trip details while Monique is recovering.
Warmest regards to each of you,
Beth and Monique
Our Group: l to r back row, Sue, Donna, Patti, Susan, Karyn, Monique, Gary, Adahlia, Richard. front row, BJ, Nancy, Suzanne
Browns Canyon near Salida
Browns Canyon
Art d' Clunker on F Street
Night shot of the Boathouse Restaurant from the East Bank of the Arkansas River.
Old caboose at the rail yard in Salida.
Sue Painting in gouache at the reservoir.
Donna painting her stylized mountain scene at Franz Reservoir.
Franz Reservoir located on the NE edge of Salida. A fish hatchery is nearby.
Franz Reservoir trail
Painting a still life in the breakfast room when it rained. Love that old crow!
Warming up on a chilly day.
The majesty of Mount Princeton from Browns Canyon.
Fishing in the Arkansas River in Browns Canyon.