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The Next Business Meeting of our 2024-25 season will be held on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2024 AT 10:00 AM



(park in the side lot on Windermere St., and enter through the side door.)


(Note: There are no business meetings in December, or in June, July, and August.











FOR MAY 2024


President, Joan Zivic, called the meeting to order at 10:00 am welcoming

members and guests. With a reminder of the upcoming Juried Show

reception at Bemis Library on Sunday, May 5 from 2-4 pm.


Vice-President, Shirley Conrad, had no report.


Secretary, Patti Brougham, amended the April business meeting notes

with the balance.


Treasurer, Linda Lippert, reported a balance of $1611.00. We were short

$66.00 for our juried show costs.


Membership Chair, Richard Simpson, has a full 40 membership now,

however, Gabriella Jaramillo will be moving to Mexico City at the end of

the month, leaving one spot available.

It was restated that if a member has a health issue, that person will be

given a one year grace period from all requirements required to maintain

an active membership.

If a member requires a replacement of his/her name tag there is a cost.

Check with Richard for details.


Workshop Chair, Jai Wangsai, is done with a successful year of

workshops. Thank you for your great choices for instructors, Jai.


Exhibit Chairs, Beth Collins and Linda Libby, reminded members of the

PBG Juried Show Reception on Sunday, May 5 from 2-4 pm. This

installation hangs until the end of May.

At the Littleton Adventist Hospital, members Mary Ellen Wolfe and

Roseann Gomez sold paintings.

The last hanging for our group until the Fall, is at Columbine Library in July.

Please check the PBG website for further directions….Fredia Cox is in

charge of this show.

Zing Credit Union is updating its art presence. They will have an “Art Wall

Walk”. PBG has been asked to hang a show from October-December


If you are picking up a piece of art that belongs to a different artist, PLACE

YOUR INITIALS in the box for the pick up. The committee needs to know

WHO picked up that painting, not who painted the piece.Tabled for further discussion: Beth and Linda strongly suggested we have

a committee look into the idea of having a group established for each

installation before its hung. There would be a different group ready to

handle the drop off, installation and take down of that exhibit.

Also, each member would give information about the painting to hang in

the exhibit (title, artist’s name, medium, price and contact phone number)

before check in. All information would be put into a spread sheet and the

artist would just have to check in at the venue, all of the paperwork is done

ahead of time.

October 2024-Buck Center, November 2024-Goodson, January 2025

Columbine and St. Andrews mid January - February 2025. El Mason

Restaurant is being contacted.


Spotlight Chair, Beth Narva, introduced Gabriella Jaramillo. We wish her

happiness and good fortune in this next step forward. We hope she will

keep in touch with us.


Social Chair, Evelyn Rockett, is planing the Spring Luncheon for June 5 at

Lone Tree Golf Club. Send $30.00 to Linda Lippert if you are attending.

The list of entrees will be on the website for you to make your choice.


Refreshment Chair, Pam Mason, thanked Sharon Chinn and Donna

Hartman for today’s munchies.

Reminded members to bring the food they signed up to bring on Sunday,

May 5, for the reception.


Sunshine Chair, BJ McLean, sent a card to Fredia who fell.


Webmaster and Member Extraordinaire Suzanne Maxwell, has made the

postcard invitations and poster and will produce the program for our juried

show. We are extremely thankful for all of her incredible work.

Check the website paintboxguild/littleton for all updates.


Library Chair, Sharon Chinn, reviewed the book by Joyce Pike, A Different

Approach to Oil Painting. We are in need of more books about oil painting

if anyone is cleaning out their art library. Books will be reviewed and

chosen for our library by Sharon.


Plein Aire Painting for the Summer Organizers, Mary Ellen Wolf and Donna

Hartman have a tentative schedule. The website will have listings of thedates and painting places. If the weather is questionable, check your

email for the latest information.


Fall Trip Coordinators, Beth Narva, Monique Moore and Roseann Gomez

will have information for those attending, after the business meeting.


Old Business -none


New Business- Mariposa Marangia has sent information about our Bemis Show to the media. Reporting upcoming exhibits to the media has changed quite a bit in the last few years. We are thankful to Mariposa for navigating this course for The Guild.

On Google Search put in paintboxguild/littleton to see the information for our Show.


11:20 end of meeting

Respectfully submitted by Patti Brougham




Paint Box Guild Business Meeting Minutes April 2024


President. Joan Zivic, called the meeting to order at 10:00am with an

announcement of the new Board of Directors and operating positions for

2024-2025. The nominating committee (Roseann G. Toni C. and Nancy

S.) filled all open seats except the social committee chair.


Vice-president, Shirley Conrad, reminded members they are to attend 3

business meetings and show their work in 2 Paint Box Guild sponsored art

exhibits. As of today, voted on and passed, a member who suffers a

major health event, is not required to fulfill these requirements for 1 year.


Secretary, Patti Brougham’s, March minutes passed.


Treasurer, Linda Lippert, could not sync her ipad to her computer to get

the latest money amount, but reassured the Guild we are okay.


Membership Chair, Richard Simpson, reported a full membership of 40



Workshop Chair, Jai Wangsai, announced the April workshop with Marjorie

Liggitt on Wednesday, April 17 from 10:00-3:00. Check the PBG website

( for details. The 2024-2025 workshop list is

coming together.


Exhibit Chairs, Linda Libby and Beth Collins, are busy getting PBG shows

together. For the latest information check the PBG website.

Now showing: Littleton Hospital

Coming up: PBG Juried Show at Bemis Library- drop off Tuesday, APRIL

30 at 10:30am. Have All paperwork ready and a fee of $10 for as many as

2 paintings per PBG artist. Sunday, May 5, 2-5 reception. Check website

for takedown date and time.

Castlerock Library takedown 12:00- April 29

Columbine Library, July- contact coordinator, Fredia Cox.

2024-2025 exhibit schedule TBA.


Social Chair, Evelyn Rockett, promoted the June Luncheon at the Lone

Tree Golf Club. Come ready to choose your entree and pay for our choice

at the May business meeting.


Refreshments Chair, Pam Mason, thanked Susan Yeager for treats.

A pizza party happens after this business meeting.

May 5- PBG Juried Show Reception 2-5- sign up to help with



Sunshine Chair, BJ McLean, has sent many cards to:

Ruth Miles who suffered a fall, Monique Moore for knee surgery, Marie

Bouziane had spinal surgery and Roseann’s fractured tail bone.


Spotlight Chair, Beth Narva’s spotlight artist Ruth Miles could not

participate due to a fall.


PBG Website and Facebook Page Chair, Suzanne Maxwell. Is constantly

updating our website with the latest PBG information.


Publicity Chair, Mariposa Marangia will post PBG member’s artwork on our

PBG Instagram account. Check with her for details. She will be posting

more information about our Guild.


There will be information posted about our Members Juried Show in May.


Summer Plein-Air Schedule Chairs, Mary Ellen Wolf and Donna Hartman,

are busy putting together a plan. Members will access this weekly

Wednesday schedule via PBG Website.


Fall Trip Chairs, Beth Narva and Monique Moore, will have a meeting after

the PBG May meeting. Bring your checkbook to pay for the remaining

deposit for our accommodations in September at Glen Eyre.


Old Business- None


New Business- The art group, The Depot, is hosting their Anniversary

Show at The Depot.

A committee will be put together to check into the possibility of creating a

Monthly 2025-2026 Planner to include PBG artwork-idea presented by

Mariposa Marangia.

A discussion about our 40 member limit was on going. No changes were


The Church is asking for a grant to refurbish their stained glass windows.

Groups who use their facilities are writing letters to support the effort.Meeting adjourned, 11:00.


Respectfullly submitted by Patti Brougham




Paint Box Guild Business Meeting

Notes March 6, 2024


President, Joan Zivic, called the meeting to order at 10:00 am.

The by-laws have been changed as stated:  the use of Ficklin Hall by the Paint Box Guild on Wednesdays begins at 9:00am ( replacing 10:00am).

Shared the idea of how to get people to listen to you:   state the important stuff in the first sixty seconds and pierce the WIIFM ( What’s In It For Me ) station that your audience is listening to.


Vice-President Shirley Conrad had no report.


Secretary, Patti Brougham, passed the previous month’s minutes.


Treasurer, Linda Lippert, provided a balance or $1860.58.

She will be collecting the money for the PBG Fall Trip to Glen Eyre.


Membership Chair, Richard Simpson, declared a full roster with a couple of people on the wait list.


Workshop Chair, Jai Wangsai, was not present but the past workshop with Daniel Marshall was a success.  The next workshop is in April with Marjory Liggitt from the Denver Botanic Gardens.  


Exhibits Chairs, Beth Collins and Linda Libby relayed the following:

Zing Credit Union take down- April 30 at 9:00am.

Castlerock Library- hung 55 paintings-take down at the end of April

Littleton Hospital- hanging April 4-those who want to hang a piece of artwork must submit a digital copy of the painting by March 14 to Linda Libby along with this information:  paintings title, artist’s name, artist’s phone number, price, outside dimensions of the artwork.   A 20% commission applies.

Bemis Library (Juried Show) May- hanging April 30, drop off and payment of $10.00 at 10;00am.  Juror, Jennifer Perlow.  Sunday, May 5, 2-4pm reception.

Columbine Library-hanging July 1 at 10:00am space is limited- need 20 smallish paintings.  Contact Fredia Cox.


Social Chair, Evelyn Rockett, will set up the Spring Luncheon at the Lone Tree Golf Course on the first Wednesday of June.

At the conclusion of the April Business meeting, a pizza party is scheduled.


Refreshment Chair, Pam Mason, thanked Monique Moore and Suzanne Maxwell for the refreshments for today.


Sunshine Chair, BJ McLean, sent out cards from our group to many, including Roseann Gomez for the loss of her husband.


Spotlight Chair, Beth Narva, had no report.


Library Chair, Sharon Chinn, had no report.  


Webmaster and Facebook Facilitator, Suzanne Maxwell, will print the poster and cards for the upcoming PBG Juried Show.  

On the PBG website there is a place where members can display 4 of their paintings.  Send digital copies to Suzanne to post.


Publicity Chair, Mariposa Marangia, will open and monitor a Tictok page for the PBG and an Instagram page.


Summer Plein Aire Chairs, Donna Hartman and Mary Ellen Wolfe, are putting together the summer schedule.  If you would like the group to come to your home and paint or have a suggestion of a place to paint,  contact one of  the members in charge of their event.


New Business:  It was proposed and approved by the group that every second Wednesday of the month, starting at 10:00am, will be dedicated to “Drawing the Figure”.  Those in attendance will rotate being the posed figure while others will draw.  Starting date, March 13th.


Fall Trip to Glen Eyre, compiled by Beth Narva and Monique Moore on a strong suggestion from Linda Libby, will take place the last Monday-

Thursday in September.  Those interested will gather after this business meeting.


Adjournment at 11:30am.

Respectfully submitted by Patti Brougham 







FEBRUARY 7, 2024


Paint Box Guild Business Meeting Notes February 2024


President, Joan Zivic, called the business meeting to order at 10:05 am.

Under the PBG Operating Policies it stated that the members needed to

sign wavers of liability for each outing. The membership unanimously

changed and passed that we would renew this waiver every five years.


Vice President, Shirley Conrad, asked those who come to the Church on

February 14 to paint, park across the street. The Church needs to have

parking spaces for those participating in Ash Wednesday services.


Secretary, Patti Brougham, cited a change in the January Business Notes:

Under Membership, the CBS file should be changed to the CVS file.


Treasurer. Linda Lippert, reiterated the Workship fees as:

$30 per PBG member, $35 Member Emeritus and $40 non-members

Membership Chair, Richard Simpson, reported a full roster of 40 members.

Bob Torgerson attended our meeting as a potential member.


Workshop Chair, Jai Wangsai, talked about the upcoming workshop on

February 21st with Dan Marshall. Check for her email about specifics.

In January, Dennis Pendleton, was our artist and provided a painterly day.


Exhibit Chairs, Linda Libby and Beth Collins, presented a lively list:

February - no event

March 4 - 12:00 Castle Rock Library- 30 pieces needed.

A digital photo and specifics need to be sent to Linda Libby ASAP-no later

than March 14 so she can send the information to Mary Wilson to review

for the art to hang at Littleton Hospital. The theme is “Inspired by Nature”.

April 4- Hanging at Littleton Hospital

April 23- Take down at Zing Credit 10:00 am

May PBG Juried Show at Bemis Library * April 30- 10:00 am drop off for

the show -Prospectus is on line $10 entry fee per person - Juror, Jennifer

Perlow, consultant, curator and director of art services. Reception, May 5

and take down on May 30.

Refreshment Chair, Pam Mason, thanked Monique Moore and Beth Narva

for today’s goodies.


Social Chair, Evelyn Rockett, announced the Spring Luncheon will be at the

Lone Tree Golf Course.


Spotlight Chair, Beth Narva, introduced Suzanne Maxwell as our presenter.


Webmaster, Suzanne Maxwell, talked about the website

( may submit 4 images of their

work for the Members Gallery - send digital images to Suzanne and she

will post them (no images under glass). For best results place your

painting in the shade outside on the ground and shoot straight down.


Library Chair, Sharon Chinn, reiterated that books can just be borrowed

and returned after a reasonable time. It is totally on the honor system.


Summer Plein Air Chairs, Mary Ellen Wolfe and Donna Hartman are

working on the events.


Fall Trip Chairs, Monique Moore and Beth Narva, have taken hold of the

reins and are planning this event at Glen Eyrie. Keep Tuesday through

Friday open during the third week in September.


Business News

New- Mariposa plugged the Cityscape Artists of Littleton as a group who

will be painting outside(inside)at participating businesses in downtown

Littleton from May -September from 3-7:30 on the final Friday of these

months. Each artist will be personally responsible for his/her sales. The

city is trying to promote downtown Littleton as an artists’ haven. If you

would like to commit to these places and times and be a part of this

group, please contact Mariposa.


If anyone is interested in showing his/her art at the Greenwood Village

Elementary School in May, please contact Toni.


Meeting adjourned 11:15


Respectfully submitted by Patti Brougham



PBG Business Meeting Minutes January 3, 2024



Meeting called to order by our President, Joan Zivic, at 10:10 am.

Updating bylaws and policies of Paint Box Guild:

1. Annual membership fee raised from $35 to $50-discussion and


2. Under committees- schedule of activities during the summer months-

from having those preparing a schedule of outings and distributing it

to the members at the Spring Luncheon to having members check

their emails and PBG website for the updated information each week.

Joan will email a copy of the updated policies and bylaws to the

membership and it will be posted on the PBG website as well.


Vice-President, Shirley Conrad, had no report.


Secretary, Patti Brougham’s, November PBG Minutes were approved.


Treasurer, Linda Lippert, reported a balance of $2212.64.


Membership Chair, Richard Simpson, reported 39 members and Kay

Nunnery will be our next member. She works in watercolor and supports

her journey through selling printed cards, calendars and journals of her


Richard will send members a CBS file (up to date emails of members) to

those members who want to send their own emails out to the group

instead of having to go through Richard. Just contact him.


Workshop Chair, Jai Wangsai, related the next workshop with Dennis

Pendleton will be on Wednesday, January 17th from 10-3. He uses

watercolor and his supply list will be sent by Jai to participating artists. It

is also posted on the PBG website under Workshops.

The November workshop with Richard Rodriquez was well attended and

highly rated by those in attendance.


Exhibits Chairs Linda Libby and Beth Collins-related a busy schedule of

PBG art hangings, starting 2024 with the Zing Credit Union in January-15

paintings hanging.

February 2024 nothingMarch - April 2024 Castle Rock Library- there are 2 rooms to hang our

paintings and 37-40 paintings are needed. There is a hanging system in

place to use.

April-June Littleton Adventist Hospital 20-24 paintings needed. Check the

website for more details.

May PBG Juried Show at Bemis Library- Monique Moore is the

Coordinator. Check the website for further details.

July 2024 Columbine Library (the only hanging for the 2024 summer- no

further summer commitments ). Freida Cox is in charge of this venue.


Social Chair, Evelyn Rockett via Shianne DeTamble recalled a good turnout

at the December Luncheon at Lone Tree Golf Course. The next luncheon

is in June.


Spotlight Chair, Beth Narva, introduced Roseanne Gomez as our



Refreshments Chair, Pam Mason, thanked Jai and Toni for today’s



Sunshine Chair, B.J. McLean, reminded members to let her know if a

member needs a card sent from our group. She is super speedy at

fulfilling requests.


Library Chair, Sharon Chinn, was not present. Joan Zivic related how easy

it is to borrow a book and just return it…………Lots of books to inspire our



Summer Plein Air Chairs, Mary Ellen Wolf and Donna Hartman, request

ideas for our summer schedule of painting outside June, July and August.

Members and those interested in participating need to check their email

and/or the website for the most current information for each week.


Fall Trip is being researched by Linda Libby. She is suggesting Garden of

the Gods area. She can get information if we are interested but cannot

work on the execution of the fall trip. Someone needs to help her out if we

are interested.


Webmaster and Facebook Chair, Suzanne Maxwell, keeps us going. Log

into the website on your computer for the most recent information. Or on your phone on the upper left side of the

Guild’s screen are 3 little lines- click of them and the menu will drop down

for you to select the information needed. On Facebook you have to

contact Suzanne ( and she will let you in. This account

can only be accessed if you have your own Facebook account.

There is a Gallery for our members to post up to 4 paintings. Send

Suzanne a digital picture and she can do the rest. The painting’s photo

cannot be used if the glass reflection shows up on the digital copy.


Old Business- none


New Business- Mariposa is the person to notify to be a part of The

Cityscape Artists of Littleton. Her email address is This is an urban sketching group that meets

once a week in and around Littleton and sketches. Pastels and Oils are a

no no.

She is also putting together a group that will paint on the last Friday of

each month in and around the participating merchants in Littleton. Final

Fridays will be open from 5-8pm from the month of May through

September. A participating artist can sketch or paint on the street and sell

the painting. Each participating artist must have her/his own tax license

and do your own sales.


Meeting adjourned 11:00 am.


Respectfully submitted by Patti Brougham






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